
Apps for the Expecting Dad

Becoming a dad is an amazing and exhilarating experience and the perfect apps are an absolute necessity for every modern super dad in the making.  The following iPhone apps can prepare you for your little bundle of joy as you are waiting anxiously for your baby to be born.


What to Expect when Expecting

Based of the famous book with the same name.  As with most baby apps you will be updated on the current develpments of your baby.  You will also receive articles and videos discussing current issues that you, your partner and your baby may be facing.


Life in The Womb

An iPad app with amazing visuals.  Information and animations provide every involved dad-to-be with visually stimulating pictures explaining your babies latest developments



When I became a dad, I received the tip to automate and outsource everything possible.  As a father you will be busy cleaning the house, chauffeuring your new family and elbow deep in dirty diapers.  Get everything you can delivered.  I highly recommend Amazon's subscription service.  You can save money and save several trips to the store if you can be willing to plan ahead and buy in bulk ahead of time.



This app is similar to the What to Expect app.  However, I found the timeline provide easier to use and the information provided more timely.  You simply enter the expected due date and when you opened the app it explain the current state of your child.  I eventually ran into a small bug and the app always opened to week number two.  scrolling through 40 weeks was too cumbersome.  But until that point I was extremely happy with the app. 



Prepare your inner peace and learn to meditate before you dive into the world of diapers and sleep deprivation.  The first ten guided meditations session were for free.  After that point you have to subscribe.  After going through the first 10 sessions I received a coupon code which greatly reduced the subscription price.  Andy's voice and British accent are nice a calming.  There is one single session on sleep which I have found extremely useful post birth.



This is a no brainer but If you don't have this app you need it now.  With live traffic updates, the ability to download maps for offline use and the fact it is also a very reliable navigation system it is the must have map application for every father.  Don't be caught off guard unprepared when you have to make a dash to the hospital.



Create a creative video consisting of one second of footage shot per day.  Use this cool app in order to track the progress of the pregnancy and the beginning of your child's life.



Have you ever wanted to create you own time lapse video of your partners growing belly?  With the helpful app you can do just that.  The app provides guide lines in order to align the picture.  But you will need to have a Facebook account in order to use the app.

These were the apps  I found most useful as I grew into my role as a father.  If you have any other apps you would recommend let me know in the comments below.